A Yeti
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  • Plugin Based, activate only the features you need.
  • Basic chat and messages.
  • SSL security and Socks proxy.
  • Filetransfers.
  • Groupchat.
  • Message logging.
  • Formatted messages.
  • Emoticons.
  • Meta contacts, contacts with the same name will be bundled.
  • Can register and update transports (MSN AIM Yahoo etc).
  • Avatars.
  • Groupchat alert, get alerted when something interesting is said.
  • Tabbed or windowed mode.

Implemented Jabber Enhancements Protocols (Jeti 0.7)

JEP-0004 Data Forms 2.6 80% Lists not completely implemented
JEP-0011 Jabber Browsing 1.1 100% No nice GUI
JEP-0012 Last Activity 1.1 100%
JEP-0018 Invisible Presence 0.2 100%
JEP-0022 Message Events 1.2 25% Only support for the composing event
JEP-0029 Def of JIDS 1.1 100% superseded by XMPP
JEP-0030 Service Discovery 2.1 90% no publishing yet
JEP-0038 Icon Styles 0.5 90% Only support for images, no sounds
JEP-0045 Multi-User Chat 1.16 90% No nickname registering yet
JEP-0047 Inband Byte Transfers 1.0 90% AMP hardcoded
JEP-0048 Bookmark Storage 1.0 90% Does not show urls
Private XML Storage 1.3 100%
JEP-0054 Vcard-temp 1.1 90% No telephone numbers
JEP-0055 Jabber Search 1.2 100%
JEP-0065 Socks5 Bytestreams 1.6 50% String prep not complete, no UDP
JEP-0066 Out of Band Data 1.3 90% iq:oob implemented, x:oob not
JEP-0068 Field Standardization for Data Forms 1.1 100% Used where required
JEP-0071 XHTML-IM 0.12 75% <a><img> and list not supported
JEP-0077 In-Band Registration 2.1 100%
JEP-0086 Error Conditions Mappings 1.0 50% Not used sometimes
JEP-0087 Non-SASL Authentication 2.1 100%
JEP-0082 Jabber Date and Time Profiles 1.0 100% Used where required
JEP-0090 Entity Time 1.0 100%
JEP-0091 Delayed Delivery 1.2 100%
JEP-0092 Software Version 1.0 100%
JEP-0095 Stream Initiation 1.1 90% No discovery
JEP-0096 File Transfer 1.1 90% No range
JEP-0100 Gateway Interaction 0.10 90%
JEP-0153 vCard-Based Avatars 0.1 90% No image restrictions other then type